Monday, January 31, 2005

Here's my obligatory plug for The Vitamen. I haven't listened to this album for a while (a month), but I just popped it in and started giving it another listen. I have to say, the song Coward is really good -- asking the age old question, am I a coward because I'm not ready to die yet? Perhaps it's not age old. Perhaps it's not even old at all. But the fact remains that for some reason, this is a band that I can relate to. That could be because I know them -- but it also definitely has something to do with the fact that they're awesome.

Sorry to be such a bore about this band, but I can't help myself. I'm totally sick of the working thing and really, it'd be nice to be in a band . . . so I fantasize by listening to them. And working at an entertainment company makes you understand exactly how much it sucks to have worthless shits sucking up to you all the time . . . It would be wonderful to have the worthless motherfuckers here having to suck my ass because I had some stupid fucking album come out. And the thing that drives me even more crazy is that these assholes think that they're creative because they suck up to famous people. Blows my motherfucking mind.


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