Monday, November 24, 2003

The word "gullible" isn't in the dictionary..oh you don't believe me..look it up! What, it really isn't? Oh you...TOUCHE, hoisted by my own patard! hahaha..haha..aaaa...Ohh I need a life.
How do I already know that today is going to be awesome? Because I can feel it in my bones.

You know, it's interesting that some people think that they're interesting people, and they're not, and aren't reinforced at all as an interesting person. But nevertheless they continue thinking that they are interesting.
And then some people don't think that they're interesting, and they may or may not be, but they're the one's who are suseptible to the "interesting" or "not interesting" sensitivity. For example, someone makes them feel interesting, then that person loses interest, and then they cease to feel interesting. It makes you wonder if they were actually interesting to begin with, or if the whole thing was illusory.
Then there are the people who, no matter what you say or do, will not think of themselves as being interesting. These people are just depressed and should be ignored, as they are not in the least bit interesting. Chances are that you've experienced them before in the incarnation of a angst-ridden teenager. Fuck them.

Why this subject for today? Why not.

Friday, November 14, 2003

I want to know more about Angel's Trumpet. Apparently it's a both a neurotoxin and an hallucinogen. That's great. Sounds like a lot of fun. The last thing I heard was about a poor German kid who flipped his shit whilst tripping tits and cut his toungue and dick off. Although this didn't strike me as a ringing endorsement of the plant, it did seem like a freak occurance (similar to that guy everyone seems to know who believes that he is an orange juice container).

In other news . . . I'm miserable. I don't know what I should do about it. But it isn't getting better. So many things seem wrong to me that I'm having trouble keeping track of them all. It's not depression, though . . . although I guess I might be in a better mood if I weren't so susceptible to these swings. Anyway, I wish that things in life were sometimes a bit clearer. And that when someone tells you that everything is going to be okay, you could actually believe that they knew what they were talking about.

Thursday, November 13, 2003

Funniest song lyric of today:

"Is it good to be beautiful, when everybody watches when you walk, but they turn away when they hear you talk?" - The Go

I can't help but imagine that. I hate rock.

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Abandoned Stations - now this is really interesting. I always used to love trains, and I have to say that being able to see all of the old abandoned stations is kind of a lame fantasy of mine. There's just something very interesting to me about seeing these buried artifacts, that have been totally abandoned and that aren't, well, ruins. I mean, they're different than Roman Ruins, or Aztec temples . . . I mean, they're fundamentally abandoned parts of our culture . . . I guess that makes them more relevant to me.

Monday, November 10, 2003

Visit my store. It's a compendium of all the things that I would rather be doing. Wouldn't you rather?

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

TA High Price For A Hollow Victory I guess it would have been nice to not have to pay 87 billion dollars for something I don't believe in, but I guess I'll pay for it anyway.

Monday, November 03, 2003

Oh, and it was my motherfucking birthday yesterday. Yeah.
Internet Littered With Dead Web Sites. God, was I only into blogging because of the novelty . . . am I really that much of a square? Follower? Sheep? Ugh! The horror. Either way, I know that my girlfriend doesn't read this any more, which makes me sad.

In other news, I hate my job. Now it's just the dull, undulating pain that sucks the life right out of me and makes me hate New York. I think I need to paid more money and to have more power and more vacation. Sound like any job you know? Send me a motherfucking email.