Friday, April 22, 2005

Technology Licensing - HyperSonic Sound

this is an incredible idea: truly directional sound without interference. I wish I could think of things like this.
Blogwise - Blog directory

This is kind of helpful to see, but for whatever reason, it's not particularly helpful. I'd really like to be able to find more valuable blogs, but for whatever reason, I don't exactly know where to go. Sadly, this doesn't really help much. What I want to see is information blogs but using a search engine isn't going to give me what I want . . . I guess I want to start with popularity and work backwards from their. Is that possible?

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

So it's been about two weeks since I last wrote. Since then Terry died, the pope died, and I've had an excellent vacation in sunny Las Vegas/California. I can honestly say that I'm quite glad that these things have finally come to rest. That doesn't mean that I'm glad they're dead, but I got tired of hearing about people argue about the quality of life and musing on the possibilities surrounding this woman. It was boring and self-rightious. So glad it's over.

As for the pope. Again, probably someone who I would have liked personally, but completely disagreed with in so many ways. He seemed nice enough, but I can't say that I had an easy time reconcilling that "nice enough" with his beliefs. Again, not to say that I'm glad that he's gone, but at least he's no longer dealing with a extremely difficult life . . . sound familiar?