Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Republicans Respond to Evangelicals on Schiavo

Although I find this to be sickening (the way our federal gov't has intervened), I am thrilled to see the Republicans bending over backwards to appease their base. It's this kind of grotesque abuse of power in the name of the religious zealots that will hopefully continue until mid-term elections. With any luck, the Republican majority will be scuttled by their complete and obvious beholdenness to evangelicals, big business with agendas that run counter to the interests of the people, and to right wing idealist psychopaths that think that the way to safety is through the minefield of perpetual war.
Small Merchants Adopt 'Weird' PR Campaign

This is one of those things that makes me think that people have had their heads in the ground for years. It's obvious that big box retailers destroy local businesses. It's not their aim, but it is what they do. They're out to make a profit. I think it's a travesty that they don't acknowledge the impact that they have . . . which is basically rotting out the core of every mid-sized city in America so that we can all have low-priced crap made in 3rd world countries at a low low price. The sad thing is that that low-low price is necessary because stores like that destroyed the manufacturing jobs that allowed people to afford the more expensive goods. Shopping at big box stores is very much a "pay a little now, pay a lot latter" equation.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Florida School Testing South Beach Diet

"[we want to] igure out whether school cafeterias are capable of serving more nutritious food, whether kids will eat it and whether their health will improve."

Why not find out if their education is improved as a result of better nourishment. I would suspect it would be, but this would definitely be the test to find out.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

SANYO -SolarArk-

This is an amazing solar generation power facility in Japan. However, what's sad is that it generates only enough electricity to power 200 homes for a year. But -- now that I think about it -- woudn't it be possible to create this at a very small level for every home? A micro power generation facility for each home? If this very large thing can power 200 homes, wouldn't something smaller (1/200th the size, perhaps) power one home?