Monday, September 27, 2004

In the Village, Sex Shops Multiply and Test a Neighborhood's Tolerance

If it's gaudy sex shops that people don't like, then why don't they just make the signage illegal? Moreover, instead of the stock rule, why not make it a sales rule (where 60% of what you actually sell has to be non-pornographic -- this would ultimately make the estabilshment have to cater more towards a local audience).

Monday, September 20, 2004 - Taliban diplomat condemns attacks - September 11, 2001

Note the sentence where: Officials say they had no intelligence beforehand that a massive terrorist plot was under way.

Politics is so unbelieveably frustrating.
Hastert's al Qaeda comment draws fire - Sep 19, 2004

That's right, give old Dennis the Menace enough rope and he'll hang himself and the whole party with him.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Yahoo!Ex-Guardsman: Probe Gaps in Bush Service

A-Ha! finally someone who sees the forest for the trees.

Friday, September 10, 2004

Bush: Flip-Flopper

Apparently Bush is a politician too. And a mighty sturdy flip-flop when he's not being politically savvy. It's rather tragic when all the bullshit is cut away that really, all politicians say what they feel like the voters want to hear . . . regardless of what they actually intend on doing.

Thursday, September 09, 2004 : White House Missed Chance to Kill Osama

Not to be a conspiricy theorist or anything (now that merely bringing up a contrary opinion can be considered "un-American"), but seeing as how ready the Bush admin has been to criticize the Clinton Admin for not pursuing Osama bin Laden, I think this illustrates the pre-9/11 mindset in thsi country that all the parties had. Of course, this would have been a bit more significant if it had gotten more play.
A Digital Generation's Analog Chic

See, I really appreciate this. I'm completely sick of all this "super techy" looking stuff that is everywhere. Retro throwbacks work well not simply because they're retro, but also because they looked nicer. Plastic doesn't age as well as wood . . . except when it's wraped around a comically sized cellphone. Atari, Nintendo, and old computers don't even look that cool; certainly not as cool as old time radios or 1st generation cell phones. Thankfully there are some tech geeks out there that get this and have decided to do something about it.

These two outfit radios and toasters with personal computers.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Cheney Resorts to Tactics Used in Nazi Germany

If Kerry were elected, Cheney said the nation risks falling back into a "pre-9/11 mind-set" that terrorist attacks are criminal acts that require a reactive approach. Instead, he said Bush's offensive approach works to root out terrorists where they plan and train, and pressure countries that harbor terrorists.

WHAT THE FUCK?! Who the fuck are these people? So, let me get this straight: if I don't vote for Bush, I'm basically inviting upon myself the pre-9/11 years . . . the years of the greatest peace and prosperity this country has ever seen . . . the years that I'll fondly remember. And, if I do vote for Bush, I get more fear and hate-mongering that I can expect from the Right, right?

Perhaps it's not that simplistic. However, the one thing that is clear, is that if I vote for Bush, there are a few things that I can count on: the most divided country I've ever seen; a country that is constantly being reminded that we're at war and that we should be fearful (isn't that in some way terrorism?); we will continue to live in a country that is being "led" to conflict with our allies; we will be ever more polarized and divided by class; the rich will certainly get richer -- and the poor will get poorer, but there will be more of them; my taxes will continue to get spent on people who don't live within our borders -- and spent on those people by way of dropping bombs on them.

A vote for John Kerry seems to be a vote for someone who is willing to do the whole job or combating the problems that plague not only our country but every country. This can't be done with bombs and nonsensical Christian Right wacko propaganda, this has to be done with a mind not towards wiping out a group of people, but to making it impossible for them to find sympathy with anyone. That requires a tenacity and focus that the Right doesn't have. The left is interested, not in negotiation, but in creating a climate where terrorism has no need to exist. In a world where people are fed, where they have access to justice, where they have access to education, where they have things that are valuable that they can lose. In a world where the stakes are larger than living to see another day, the values change.

The right has no interest in creating that world. They are our emotional and irrational side; They want blood and guts (not on TV of course); they want to see people physically pay, just as terrorists want to see us physically pay for whatever it is that 3,000 innocent people did; they want black and white -- incendentally so do the terrorists; They want the middle class to pay for it (certainly not the oil companies, commodities, and energy traders that will benefit the most from a safe autocratic Middle East); They have contempt ofr poor and religious people because they think the vote only on single issues; they have contempt for the American political process because they think that it is their birthright to be in power; they don't believe in democracy because if they did, they wouldn't THREATEN YOU IF YOU VOTED FOR ANYONE ELSE. Republicans are bullies who have now engaged in the worst kind of voter intimidation.

It is the policy that militarism can solve all our problems that has brought us to the brink like this. This administration doesn't understand what it's like to die in a war because none of them have ever seen combat (except Colin Powell and he's the only one who has EVER expressed reservations). It is the policies of the neo-concervatives that steer the policies of this administration that make for an endless cycle of violence . . . If you don't beleive me, look at India and Pakistan. Look at Israel and Palestine. There are so many examples it never ends. The only way to stop the cycle is to be man enough to say that there has to be another way. If your enemy is unreasonable, then you should be able to show everyone that, right? If no one believes you, maybe your being unreasonable? - Putin: Why talk to child killers? - Sep 7, 2004

"Why don't you meet Osama bin Laden, invite him to Brussels or to the White House and engage in talks, ask him what he wants and give it to him so he leaves you in peace?" the Russian president was quoted as saying by Britain's Guardian newspaper on Tuesday.

"You find it possible to set some limitations in your dealings with these bastards, so why should we talk to people who are child-killers?" said Putin, who spoke to a group of foreign journalists and academics late on Monday.

See, this is why you don't do the whole "go it alone" tack with people unless you constantly want to be accused of being hypocritical in your dealings with countries who may (or may not) be being unreasonable. Congratulations, George -- apparently foriegn policy requires a little more finesse than your administration is capable of mustering up.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Yahoo! News - Powell: U.S. Misjudged Insurgents in Iraq

Hallelujah! Why is Colin Powell the only person I can trust in the Bush Admin? Perhaps it's because he's the only half-honest nuanced positioned person there?

That doesn't mean I like him.
Yahoo! News - Anti-Bush Protesters Swarm Grand Central Station

I find it really alarming that 1700 people have been arrested in four days -- all for political protests. This is beginning to feel a bit like China: where you can arrest your opposition, and those in power look along in glee as it all happens. So, the Republicans make sure that the rich get richer and that poor stay, well, poor. That way they can't organize or protest or be effective in any way . . . Just so long as everyone stays home and watches the FCC ordained news services that carry the approved messages, we'll all be happier.