Thursday, December 11, 2003

Friendster - Brock:
Now this is what I call a testimonial!

"I have known Brock for so many years now, it is quite difficult to know what to say. From the moment we met kismet seemed to draw about us. we had our first encounter stealing from the pockets of the dead on a battlefield in Provence in 1916 and then a second unexpected encounter in a Stalinist re-education camp in 1927. It would seem that we were destined to enjoy a winning friendship as those around us suffered. But I suppose my lasting impression of Brock will be of our disasterous time spent in Uzbekistan. We had been there working for the local strongman to develop better means of repression. It was mostly busy work, but torture tends to be little more than that. No, I shall mainly remember walking the streets of Tashkent as locals fled in fear. Of such things, grand memories and friendships are made. I do so miss grinding the world beneath a black leather Jackboot."

Tony Kushner, Radical Pragmatist
This is a good interview. Especially when he gets to the end where he talks about politics:

"The system isn't about ideals. The country doesn't elect great leaders. It elects fucked-up people who for reasons of ego want to run the world. Then the citizenry makes them become great. FDR was a plutocrat. In a certain sense he wasn't so different from George W. Bush, and he could have easily been Herbert Hoover, Part II. But he was a smart man, and the working class of America told him that he had to be the person who saved this country." - Tony Kushner

But I guess we have to vote for them anyway.

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

'nuff said . . .

Thursday, December 04, 2003

Yahoo! News - Cannibal Confesses in Trial That Shocks Germany Yet another German cuts off his penis. This time a cannibal does it for him, but nonetheless, it's still horrible.

This whole story is absolutely revolting. I honestly can't believe that this happened in reality. Especially considering the fact that besides being a total fucking lunatic (in this cannibalistic way), the guy actually appears to be rather normal in his appearance, upbringing, and lifestyle.

What's most sickening is the fact that it appears to be consentual. Someone actually volunteered to be dismembered for the specific purpose of being eaten. Moreover, the fact that there are entire websites devoted to this is unfathomable. Ugh. I think I'm going to be sick.

Monday, December 01, 2003

iPod's Dirty Secret - Neistat Brothers I'm fairly sure that this sort of thing is because Apple markets very much to an activist population. I mean, I've been all but physically assaulted by my PC and have yet to do anything the gateway and their bovine influenced boxes.