Thursday, February 10, 2005

North Korea Says It Has Nuclear Weapons

Our foriegn policy attempts to control North Korea's nuclear ambitions have been about as effective as my attempts to prevent my cat from trying to sleep on my face every morning. Wouldn't it have been more effective to not create the circumstances under which one might be motivated to create nuclear weapons? That said, perhaps this is part of some larger strategy -- you don't go out of your way to call three nations assholes without having some larger plan, do you? Of course, it is The Bush Admin we're talking about here -- very secretive, very duplicitous, so it will be interesting to see in their view of history if this is what was intended. One thing is for certain, though, one nation that didn't have Nukes who would like to use them against the US now does -- and wasn't in any way prevented from doing so, and was virtually encouraged to do so.

The current administration's view of diplomacy is about as effective as my department's ability to communicate with other departments in this company -- abrasive and irritating, if anything at all.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Mechanical Confections

This artwork is pretty neato. I don't know that I would pay for it, but it certainly inspires me to want to create a Rube Goldberg machine (for those of you know in the know, those are the sophisticated mousetrap-like machines that often use golf balls, bells, and funnels). Gina Kamentsky has been creating these sculptures incorporating found metal objects and has set up this site. In any case, it's always nice to be inspired about something -- which is something that I find to be completely lacking in much of my day-to-day. Although I sure do love roller coaster tycoon 3 -- which, if you turn your head sideways far enough, seems roughly similar to Gina Kamentsky's art.
Ward Churchill (Colo. Professor) Issues Defiant Speech

Ward ChurchillThis is the guy who referred to the victims in the World Trade Center (those who actually had jobs working for the companies and not the Fire Fighters, Janitors, etc) as little Eichmanns. It's a silly thing to say. He'e entitled to his opinion, but what's so curious to me about this situation is that he's the Head of the Ethnic Studies Dept. at U fo Colorado at Boulder, so it seems like he'd have more than enough wisdom to not make such a statement in such an unhelpful way, and also that he appears to be very closely tied with Native Americans. Do Native Americans share his views? I wonder.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005


I got to guest post on another blog. Of course, they have no audience and neither do I, so it begs that age old question: if a tree falls in the woods and no one hears it, does it actually make a sound. The answer to this is no. No one gives a shit and I'm okay with that.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

I've got a message for all you business motherfuckers who put the word "Thanks" at the end of an email that reads:

I hope that your head gets crushed in a vise while you work on this meaningless project for me because I personally find satisfaction in crushing your ambitions and life between my thumb and index finger. I'll be very disappointed if this request doesn't ruin your night and weekend.


Or even more frustrating:

I haven't even remotely considered what impact this will have on anything that your working on (even though I already know what you are working on), or your mental wellbeing, but could you take an hour or two out of your day to come over and blow me.

Let me know your thoughts.

Please stop saying thank you. Because every time you do, I curse your soul.
Universal's Second Chance to Make Video Pay

Another atrociously idiotic move by a record company: let's start charging for our built in free distribution system and penalize companies for promoting our artists for us. Sounds like a plan, the sooner I don't have to listen to another U2 or $.50 song, the better. And this may have the unintended effect of making other artists who actually like having their work heard by people actually get heard by people.

In a twisted way, I'm actually quite glad that the major record companies are imploding -- it means that many artists who previously found it difficult to break through will be found. With record companies gone, it may open up the promotional avenues such as MTV and radio stations to local and other previously unknown artists (because there is no culture jam of shitty over hyped and promoted artists).

Potentially the downside is that the quality of recordsing will go down (the actual productiojn value, that is), but it seems unlikely given that clearly where there is a will, there is a way. Here's to hoping the fat cats get crushed under their own fat guts.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Google second class with hipsters?

Since when did hipsters have an opinion on the internet and what search engine to use? Last time I checked, they were all hanging out in Williamsburg, smoking cigarillos, wearing leg warmers, and enjoying Artaris from days gone by. Just because the O.C says something doesn't make it hip. It actually may just make it tired.

I don't know if I really get the concept of this website but here goes nothing: virgin has set up a blog to monitor it's brand and the trends surrounding it. Seems like a silly thing to do -- seeing as how unusual it is for a brand to exist in such an overtly editorial way. Nevertheless, it could prove to be an interesting concept if we get to see blogs from other companies as well that actually express something. Can you imagine what a car manufacturer would have to say: something really coy and irreverent if was Mini and perhaps practical and square if it were Buick.

On second thought, perhaps it's not such a good idea. I really don't know that I want to hear what Macy's thinks of stockings or what Fresh Direct things of a sugar embargo with Cuba.